This morning someone accused me of trying to be white! I thought me? Never!!!!!!!!!!! But then I got thinking that this high ranking ANC persons (in his mind at least) point might be directing me to less suffering and it got me thinking so here goes.
While this has been a good exercise of sorting and determining our fate under ANC which has been dodged by corruption, poverty mainly amongst blacks, weak economic planning that’s affects mostly black and a constitution that has by far preserve white privileges than it takes care of the suffering of the black man, I fear there is a culture that blind loyal ANC, its leagues and its alliance supporters are growing into. And a largely disposable political leadership (think of Mbeki recalling and the whole Cope defection and the mess thereafter)
I mean yesterday I uploaded the following on my Facebook status wall;
“I don't need a march, Malema's lies and the ANC denials of their internal mess to know I am not economically free, after all I am worse of than when all the guilt funding came here from europe atlas then we could do a play about our suffering under the boers and the europeans would feel guilty that they are benefiting from our misery and take us there to eat croissants and goats cheese and when we got back we would still have enough to buy ourselves melrose in keeping with a fake cheese eating tradition, I swear apartheid was bad for a black man but democracy under the ANC is worse”

This done to completely demonstrate my disgust and irritation at how my life under apartheid was a mess but even a bigger mess under the “freedom movement” simply put the ANC has endured more suffering in 17 years than the national party did during its entire reign.
The response I got demonstrates how loyalists in the ruling party will disregard everything and every one who offers an alternative dialogue to the agenda and that they will do anything to disregard fact no matter how glaring it is, so welcome to my face book madness below:
We shall call this guy Loyalist 1 or otherwise known as L1: “Political education is really needed for real.”
Me: how do you mean L1? Please enlighten me who does need political education? Because I don't believe the majority of the people of this country care much for that right now, all they need is common sense, something the ANC leadership seems to have lost! I mean what is so hard about realizing that promises that were made even before 1994 are still not kept? And perhaps while we are on the subject of education they might just fix our education system don't you think?
Loyalist 1: Simple logic says we were under colonialism for centuries and apartheid since 1948. And those are facts, as a freedom fighter i agree fully with u than we cud have done things different in the last few years including bettering our education. The truth is Malema is not a factor but the POA of youth league is, some of the programs are the resolution of the conference and are above Malema.I refuse to let my tools of analyzing politics be dictate by jewish media. White and Indians youth are filthy rich but nobody says anything about them why? U sound extremely bitter what happen, sound like a war veteran who was refuse special pension, what's up (now at this point I am not sure if he is reading what I am saying)
Me: Are you then suggesting that corruption, lack of service delivery, internal ANC squabbles restrictive legislation is the way to go? I think let's stop this sentimental alliance to the ANC if we can't tell them who must? I quite frankly know how the Jewish and Indian got their money apartheid legacy! The one that the ANC is failing to defeat with it's policies and I also know how Julius got his money corruption and both these incidents of wealth accumulation are driven by theft from me, my kids and any self respecting black south African citizen. Corruption is a crime just like the land looting that happened during both colonialism and apartheid, I don't blame white people for what has happened in the last 17 years I blame the ANC they have the political control and they messed it up and I refuse to wait until our country is looted like Nigeria before I say something about it. The only thing that has progressed and if we don't stop if will take over is the DA and unless we want to see it run the country let us continue and be sentimental to rubbish. Julius is a corrupt thief and so are the people paying him to continue making vague statements that aren't backed up by serious plans of action. I don't want the mines I want the land and all in it, from farms to diamonds, roads to parks but I can't trust the ANC the ensure it benefits the people who mine it, who plough it and who tend it, simply put our wealth doesn't belong to the politicians and we have to make them know. Biko, Sobukwe, Mashinini, and even Tambo must be rolling in their graves when they realize the mess this ANC government has made our public administration system and finally the papers that have been chasing corrupt leaders are owned by blacks and Afrikaners lest we assume they not and Malema is a member of the ANC NEC if he needs to raise economic issues he has many outlets, he must put it in writing for it to be included in the NEC agenda or wait for the policy conference next year right? Or did that ANC rule change? He doesn't need to further exploit poor people suffering. (And at this point I thought I got him now, surely he has to see reason)
Loyalist 1: Chief I have a great respect for u and I like the way u see and interpret the world. No 1 is bigger than the ANC and this movement has been tried and tested, hence we are not seasonal politicians who just get excited by sensational white media content and so called analysts. Malema is not a factor and maybe ur deficiency and short coming is the lack of indepth understanding of the movement processes. I agree with u fully dat u cud have done things better by now, my chief is that ur too bitter and angry, in the back our mind u truly believe ur talking facts and that a challenge. Honestly u sound like some whites, and ur observation is based on a white jewish media. Remember media deals with perceptions and minds and if ur tool of analysis are challenge u wil urself as white media ambassador unaware. (now at this point I lost it, I wasn’t going to take this patronizing bullshit)
Me: With all due respect L1 what you just plainly patronizing and ignorant, if the ANC is so tried and tested why does it still not have 1 million registered members in a country of close to 50 million people? Your ANCYL was encouraging people to aspire to be white on Friday at the Union Building nogal! and you calling me like white! I don't need to be affirmed and you are right I am angry and bitter that my grandmother has to pay for water while an unemployed man can buy a 3,6 million rand house and demolish it with no proven source of income. You like those blacks who glorify criminals in the township because they don't steal from them, and quite a beneficiary of your membership card and that’s why I am all of a sudden not black enough, I am a member of the ANC and am no ones ‘chief’ because this sense of ‘chief’ is the one that has put OUR movement in this mess, my understanding of the ANC doesn't need to be informed by my silence rather by challenging and debating it and where possible exposing political ambiguity and careerism and right now between the tender gang and the ministerial hand book gang you cant still be insisting that the ANC is in good hands. A couple of days ago you were talking about how people should rise up and challenge Mittal with the mess its has made the Vaal atmosphere you think there will be such recourse without political will? Thabo Mbeki in 1999 took the side of multi national companies when black individuals took them to the UN and the Hague to demand compensation for their suffering and you are expecting those people to trust the ANC because they aren't black enough if they don't listen to what Thabo had to say? Maybe what you need L1 is education on the African political discourse because if your political opinion is based on your blind loyalty to the ANC then I walk away from the respect you are affording me. FACT is Malema is a member of the ANC 1st that’s why he sits in its NEC so lets stop pacifying people about his bigness when its convenient to us, when he was killing for Zuma nobody spoke about his size now that he'll kill for Tokyo he is not that significant anymore? Talk about animal farm! (Ok now he is finished right? noooooooooooooo he get very intense)
L1: My challenge with u is that ur Politics angle deals with an individual and ur not taking policy issues, instead entertaining person. ANC is like an Ocean its cleansers itself that who come to the movement with wrong concept will automatic al fall away ,my appeal to u don't approach politics like football match in a sheeben after reading papers. Let's talk about fundamental issues in line with NDR and other progressive issues.
You see after this line I couldn’t argue anymore, this guy not only undermined my time of sleep but he was completely clueless about anything and everything and he will definitely kill for the ANC, so good South African I am going to say this in bold capital letters and you can quote me on this:
The only answer I could give after that rather mis-informed summation of my politics was very humble: I am sorry L1 then you'll never get what I am saying, once again go to: and get informed.
I also belong to a civic organization called September National Imbizo and like it sounds its not a political party but a highly political aware stable of frustrated, angry, bitter, intelligent, skilled, motivated, clever, street wise, volunteering, writing, reading, debating, conscious, AFRICANS who would never let this country be Nigeria-rised. Sometimes the ignorance of these people reminds you of how and why the genocide in 1994 happened in Rwanda. We need to advance our struggle before the poor decide to advance their struggle and share their poverty with the rich, financial emancipation cant wait for the next election.
What of the key demands of SNI is that “We want all civil servants, politicians, and leaders of government and their families and relatives to use government services” from transport, to education, health to each and every service governments provide for our people, then they will know how hard it is to be BLACK in South Africa today. We have to get rid of the “eat first brigade and replace them with the serve first leaders”
"Black Consciousness is an attitude of the mind and a way of life, the most positive call to emanate from the black world for a long time. Its essence is the realisation by the black man of the need to rally together with his brothers around the cause of their oppression - the blackness of their skin - and to operate as a group to rid themselves of the shackles that bind them to perpetual servitude." Biko
Vuka Darkie
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